Sparkbrowser will allow users to take stake in the company they love with the sparkbrowser etf. Between 10 and 50% of the cost of the software will be allocated to the sparkbrowser etf fund. capital invested in high yeild, leveraged investment products. users will be paid dividends on this fund so long as they use the browser. the more people who use the browser, the more your share will be worth. because 20% of the gains of the portfolio are reinvested.
this. Means that if 20 people have licenses for the browser thy would each pay 10.99 for the license.ets say 5 dollars of the sale goes to the etf fund for every sale. That would mean that there is 100 in the fund. say this capital was invested in high yeild investment products and at the week has gained a 3% gain of 3 dollars. Each person would have 15 cents added to their account. because this is less than 10$ that would warrant a check the money is added to your balance which can be accessed from
say 40 weeks go by and you now have $10.00 in your account. A check will be issued to your address.